Discover the Incredible Benefits of Cultivating an Empowered Relationship with the Universe

Woman in Contemplation

In this Article


Do you have a belief in something larger than yourself?

A belief in an energetic force that is both a part of you and that you’re part of? You might feel it strongly sometimes — a flash of intuition, a sense of knowing, an irrepressible burst of energy and clarity about what you need, synchronicity that brings you to the right people or circumstances just when you need it.

At these times it’s easier to say, “I know that there’s an intelligence bigger than myself, a guiding force, that I’m connected to and that connects us to each other.”

But what happens to our connection and our ability to trust life when the storms hit?

When the Storm Hits

Life, in its infinite wisdom, will presents us with challenges that test our resolve and shake the foundations of our beliefs.

It’s not a question of “if” but “when”… because life happens…

From the upheaval of a global events to personal experiences of loss, grief and major life transitions that weigh heavily on our hearts. Suddenly, that faith in “something” may disappear or weaken.

We can’t believe that a benevolent universe would allow all of this to happen. Or we wonder: What’s the “purpose” of it all?

We contract and regress into a primitive survival part of ourselves. We literally pull our energy back into us, disconnecting from this larger life energy.

Yet, it’s exactly in these very moments that we most need the deeper wisdom, knowing, and support of a larger field in order to navigate the tough situations before us. We need our full creative power, intuition, wisdom, and courage.

The Power of our Percetpion


We all grapple with fear and doubt in the face of adversity – it’s a natural response to change that brings uncertainty.

But it’s also a barrier to growth and empowerment.

It’s crucial to understand: What’s your belief in Spirit, the Universal, or Life when things are going well? And what’s your reaction in the face of disappointment, hurt, or setback?

What story are you telling yourself about your place in the world and the support around you?

When we contract from an emotional blow, a hurt, shock, disappointment, or embarrassment we actually disconnect from the energy and power of that larger container.

In this place, there’s no creative partnership. There’s no higher, deeper intelligence or knowing. It’s a closed-loop. We’re contracted and disconnected.

Growing our Mindset

One of the most powerful tools we have is the to adopt a growth mindset – the ability to transform fear into empowerment through the power of questions and focus.

Instead of asking: Why? Why me? Why now? we can ask more empowering questions that shift our perspective and open up new possibilities.

Questions like, “What can I learn from this experience?” or “How can I use this challenge to grow stronger?”

I call these “living questions” and they are a powerful tool for transformation. They invite us to explore our beliefs, challenge our assumptions, and tap into our inner wisdom.

Questions like, “What is the deeper meaning behind this challenge?” or “How can I align with the energy of life to navigate this situation with grace and ease?” inspire curiosity, wonder, and receptivity.

Partnering with the Larger Field of Life

In these moments, when we doubt the most and need guidance the most, we all have the opportunity to partner up with this larger energy of life.

To step into an empowered relationship with life we need to re-frame our concerns and worries into living questions, asking from a place of curiosity, wonder, receptivity, and listening.

When you unlock the deep sense of being aligned with life and its support by transforming fear and anxiety into curiosity, wonder, and receptivity you regain access to the intelligence within your heart and the clarity, courage, and guidance within your soul you need to see you through

It’s making a core shift into an empowered relationship with the energy, intelligence, and creative flow of life itself

Accessing Our Transformative Power

I invite you to explore the transformative power of living questions in your own life. Share your insights, your reflections, and your journey of empowerment with those around you.

Together, let’s cultivate a community of curiosity and wonder, where every question is an invitation to growth and every answer is a step towards alignment with the energy of life itself.

If you truly believed that all of life is organizing around your success – even if I can’t feel it at times and you have no evidence for it yet – what would your life look like?

About the blogger

Daniella Schoch - Transformational Mindset and Empowerment Coach

I'm Daniella Schoch

I’m an expert at helping people to become their best self, a nerd when it comes to mindset and my obsession is teaching others how to be the best version of themselves and creating a life and business they love.